Chris_Day 9
Chris is not ONLY the official 'tool man' for EFCA Compassion/Katrina, but he is the newest addition to the logging crew as well. Here we see Chris very dirty after a long day of cutting and moving large fallen trees. Notice the nice tan-lines at the wrist! "Hey Chris - use Sun Screen!!"
In the background is his new toy, which he is getting very good at using.
Next we see Chris caring for his new machine, making sure it never goes thirsty. Good boy, Chris!
Finally we have Chris and his newest friend, Dick. Or- as the Compassion staff calls him, "the coolest grandpa you'll ever have". Dick goes down to Louisiana every 2-3 weeks to continue helping cut people out of their yards. He is thankful to have someone like Chris handy to help out. Chris cuts trees while Dick uses his skid-steer to moved them, if Chris gets too far ahead with the cutting, then Both men have machines to get the wood moved. Chris is really enjoying himself.
One day last Chris and Dick went out at 9:00 am and worked all day, until after 7:00 pm, then the home owner came home and offered dinner to Chris and Dick - but she had to cook it first. Chris says they didn't finish eating until after 9:30 at night, and didn't get home and hit the showers until after 11:00pm
Yeah, I have already warned Chris about burning himself out by working too many hours, too many days in a row.
Good News - Chris bought a hammock - now he can relax after the 90+ degree days they are having. Good Job! (no photo of chris relaxing yet.)
Pray requests: Continue to pray for the people of Southern Louisiana. Some neighborhoods have come a long way since the storm, other entire parts of town (HUGE AREAS) are still completely destroyed. It will be years (and years) before the clean up is complete. Perhaps it will be decades before the rebuilding is done.
Personal prayer requests: Chris only has one... it appears he has run into a lot of poison ivy in the past 2-3 days. So far he hasn't broken out yet, because Dick gave him a family secret to use to keep the itching down. But pray for the safety of Chris while he uses heavy machinery and chain saws daily. Pray for his stamina and continued high-energy enthusiasm, which keeps others around him recharged. Pray for Chris to find quiet time to spend in God's word - I personally know this is very difficult, and it leads to burnout and fatigue. Pray that Chris realizes how to end his day before 10:00 pm, and that he can find time to call his Mom. Pray for Chris' family, as they dearly miss their boy, and their brother.
Mainly - Praise the Lord for all the wonderful people Chris has met, including Mr. Steve and his wife Millie. Chris went out to have lunch with Steve & Millie last week.
Steve made a meal so good it was about to make you "Slap yo mamma" as Steve says about exceedingly good meals!! Continue to pray that Steve & Millie soon see the Lord as the only means to true forgiveness and salvation. I know Chris will do his part, as the Lord leads him.
Chris' friend Andy, who just finished chainsaw carving this beautiful cross. His first ever
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