Faith in NewOrleans

This BLOG spot is here to allow everyone at our home church to keep up with our daily happenings while we are doing relief work in in and around New Orleans, LA. For a Photo page (Yes!) cut and paste the address

My Photo
Location: Minocqua, Wi, United States

Saved by the blood of Jesus in January 2001, and having a wild journey with the Lord ever since... I'm a Handyman by trade, husband by choice and Christian by Grace.... I Love hanging out with my wife, youth group kids, doing stuff outside, frisbee, camping, canoing, campfires... We are called to mission work and sharing the story of Jesus across the globe or where ever we are.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Day 23

Late Night Antics: Last night we had a visitor. I guess we left the door open too long while unpacking our stuff from the car.... oops. The little guy got into the house, and then eluded our capture for almost an hour.
It appears he was trying to send an email - unfortunately he was not able to make the Mac computer function. Finally we got him cornered and back out the door by midnight! Now you know the types of things that keep us up late!

Genesis 1:25
God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Please continue to pray for the people of the gulf coast. Also please pray for the recent tornado victims of the midwest. Many have lost everything. -I have seen the tornado photos, and they are eerily similar to what we look at here each day.

-mj :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mark,
I just finished reading your update. WOW!! I'm sitting here overcome with emotion because I'm SO humbled by what GOd is doing down there. I guess Pastor Bill taught me "REAL GOOD" how to be an emotional LULU!! I'm constantly crying in church just at the thought of what Jesus has done in my own life. I will probably be a blubbering fool when I get down there and see how magnificent God is in others lives too!!
Thank you SO MUCH for being our leader in this great'll never know how I look up to you and pray my faith can someday compare! So, bring on the kleenex, I'M READY!!!!
(Oops! I posted on wrong day, so this is a copy)

Mon Mar 13, 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those "before and after" pictures are totally amazing! All I could think of while viewing them is that while all of our man-made efforts (i.e. the efforts to build the entire house, the efforts put forth for landscaping, etc) are totally wiped away, God's Creation (like that big tree) stands strong! What a picture for all of us to mediatate is so easy for us at this time of year (tax season) to focus on "what is mine" and "how much can I keep" etc...this reminds me that in the end, its all gonna burn...Live For Him! Live For Eternity! All of you are doing just that!!! Hope Kathie arrived safely...remind her that she is in our prayers!


Tue Mar 14, 07:48:00 AM  
Blogger Cheri said...

I guess the Northwoods doesn't have a corner on the wildlife market. Cute pics!

Mark and all, we continue to pray for you. Thanks for your comment on my blog,Mark.

Say hi to Chuck for us! Is he staying out of the emergency room?

Tue Mar 14, 11:28:00 AM  

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