Faith in NewOrleans

This BLOG spot is here to allow everyone at our home church to keep up with our daily happenings while we are doing relief work in in and around New Orleans, LA. For a Photo page (Yes!) cut and paste the address

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Location: Minocqua, Wi, United States

Saved by the blood of Jesus in January 2001, and having a wild journey with the Lord ever since... I'm a Handyman by trade, husband by choice and Christian by Grace.... I Love hanging out with my wife, youth group kids, doing stuff outside, frisbee, camping, canoing, campfires... We are called to mission work and sharing the story of Jesus across the globe or where ever we are.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Day 24

Kathie has made it here okay! ( I just had to let you know)

So now that you are updated......... Upon getting Kathie at the train station, we took a brief tour of New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward, (see photo on day 20 archive). And then we drove to Waveland & Bay St. Louis, MS. The destruction is total and complete. Seeing photos on the internet vs. seeing the power of God's wind and waves in person leaves nothing to compare. I was completely speachless (yes, me) as we drove along the beach road looking at foundation after foundation with sweeping steps leading up to an empty place where the home once stood. Some places had random sprays of water making rainbows in the late afternoon sun, where supply pipes were severed, yet the water remains on. Tiny FEMA trailers dot the beach front where multi million dollar homes stood 6 months ago. God has used the water to equalize all people who live here. It is amazing.

This week Kathie is spending the week cooking for 100 people - it is an experience out of her comfort zone, but she says she is enjoying herself -- Tonight when I passed by the office, she ran out to get some encouragement because she was having a 'spaghetti' crisis. I still do not know what that means, but apparently everything worked out, because dinner was great!

Mark 6:39-44
Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mark
Randy and I are just sitting here
thinking of you guys and wishing
we were still there. Say Hi to
Chuck, tell him we prayed for his
safety and trust he is there and
doing fine. The pictures of Waveland were unbelievable. Just remember we are with you in prayer and hope will be back in fall or before.
Tell Chuck bible study next Thurs.
Proverbs 4

Stay strong and close to God
Ann and Randy

Thu Mar 16, 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for technology! I am so happy that I can see what is happening every day with the mission. Looks like Kathie is doing great. I am praying for her safe return.

Mark, could you put a picture of you on the blog tonight? I miss you.
Mrs. Mark Jensen

Fri Mar 17, 08:56:00 AM  

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