Day 11
Thelma & Louise (click to enlarge)
Cleaning out a house in downtown New Orleans. These two ladies are proof that no matter what skills are brought to the mission field or what ever skills are required - EVERYONE can make a difference. Nancy and Liz are continually encouraging and assisting others. Home owners, neighbors and volunteers. Pray for continued strength and the way the Holy Spirit is moving in their hearts!
Here is a photo of where they are still doing levee repairs. The water rushed in, the houses which are up on concrete blocks simply broke up and floated away, destroying everything inside - including the home owners.....
Last night, at supper time Smokey had the opportunity to share his testimony with the 90 volunteers who are staying at the church. It was an awesome moment. Smokey talked, but the Holy Spirit spoke through him. The testimony time was followed by a first step meeting. God worked in a wonderful way last night.
This week we have the blessing to be working with a group of students from Trinity Western in B.C. Canada. They are a cool group of hard-working Godly young people. We are totally encouraged by their presence!! Amen!
Here is Mark and Liz having a lunchtime moment of fun. Today the temps rose into the upper 70's. It' slike the hottest day of summer in Northern WI. Me & Smokey have bright red heads from the sun, and I decided a hat & bandana were necessary for protection. One of the EFCA Compassion staff suggested that I sell the hat & scarf on e-bay just like the people from the Surviver TV show. I had a different idea... to auction off the hat & scarf right here to raise money for the Hurricane Victims. The money will go directly to a Hurricane-effected family who our team has built a relationship with. It's not about the sweaty scarf - it's all about helping others with our sacrificial offerings through our fully devoted Love of Jesus Christ!
Let the auction begin! Click 'comments' or email direct to set your bid!
2Corintians 13:9
We are glad whenever we are weak but you are strong; and our prayer is for your perfection.