Faith in NewOrleans
This BLOG spot is here to allow everyone at our home church to keep up with our daily happenings while we are doing relief work in in and around New Orleans, LA. For a Photo page (Yes!) cut and paste the address
About Me
- Name: Mark Jensen
- Location: Minocqua, Wi, United States
Saved by the blood of Jesus in January 2001, and having a wild journey with the Lord ever since... I'm a Handyman by trade, husband by choice and Christian by Grace.... I Love hanging out with my wife, youth group kids, doing stuff outside, frisbee, camping, canoing, campfires... We are called to mission work and sharing the story of Jesus across the globe or where ever we are.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Day 36.... and counting.....
The mission life-cycle is an on-going circle here. People arrive Saturday with all the gusto to accomplish anything, we train them, they get to know the area, they all learn a lot about the people of South Louisiana and then fall in love with them, and then they go home the following saturday.... Somewhere in the middle, God shows them so many things that life will never be the same. Hopefully there are people at home who want to listen to our life-changing stories. In turn, your lives will be changed as well..... in spite of who we are, God continues to do an abundance of amazing things!!
Yes, I was suppose to go home yesterday, ... That was 'my plan', however, it appears God had a better plan for me this week.
I was asked to stay here during a time of transition with the Compassion Staff. Most of the January, 90-day team is leaving this week -or has already left... This staff shortage will leave the EFCA-Compassion office very personnel short, going from 10 staff members to 5 full time staffers...
After hearing this I was still compelled to come straight home. (i really miss my wife!!) I thought it was God's timing to stretch their limits (or something silly like that..) The very same day I was asked to stay, I received a call from Dave Johnson (my present mentor & future boss in the Short-Term mission office of the EFCA-IM) telling me that he was going to come down here to see how I was doing, and that we could spend the entire 20 hr drive home debriefing me from this mission experience...
OKAY God.... if you made it any more clear, I guess I would have seen your back-side glory like Moses on the mountain.! (what an honor to be "mooned" by God!)
I praise God that He has made it abundantly clear to me (and Cathy) that I was suppose to stay an extra 6 days.
In the mean-time...... Friday's ministry went exceedingly well. The 100+ team members who were canvassing the streets did a marvelous job spreading the name of Jesus, and the hippie village ministry went equally as well.
God had me spend most of my day just hanging out with the young 'gypsies'. They are all doing an amazing amount of work, and their attitudes are all very good.
I find it hard to understand how they can do all this work without knowing Jesus. Their ultimate goal is to get people back on their feet without the help of the government, or - in spite of the government- yet as I get to know these young people I see a pure motive in their hearts.... To Help.......
Each one of them owns nothing where they now live, and it is all 'community-property' when they gain some posessions. It is very interesting indeed....
But when they are asked "WHY" they are doing this work, they fumble about in their answers, giving something between the fact there is 'nothing else to do' , and that 'doing this makes them feel good'. Some older guys are doing the good work for 'pennance' to make up their lives in Viet Nam, while the younger kids are just doing what is right to make 'mother-earth' feel better. Most of them are vegetarians until it is dark and the grill is smoking with burgers and dogs... :)
I wish I had photos, but I promised I would refrain, because they all feel that "tourism is profanity" down in this area, and that includes all cameras, even mine.
In the end, there are many young people asking questions, some acting righteous- some acting silly. Many have given me the nick-name "immaculate"... They know I am a Christian (who can hide it?) and because I come from the "Church of the Immaculate Grill". (these kids are great!)
That 'immaculate' statement itself says alot about the kids I am hanging with. (they are fun loving hippie kids who have virtually no direction, yet they are very open to hearing about someone who loves them no matter what).
I have grown to know many of them very good - I love them all, and I hope that many of them know Jesus before I am gone.
Praise the LORD,
Joel 2:32
And everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved;
Friday, March 24, 2006
Day 34
The teams (over 100 people total) are together downtown in New Orleans' inner city area serving the local people and cleaning up the streets in neighborhoods around our Urban Impact church partner. It is normally an awesome day of meeting the local people, sharing testimonies and listening to stories -- all while beautifying the streets of New Orleans!
I have a very interesting God- opportunity for today. I will be serving in the lower 9th ward.
There is a volunteer station right at one of the levee break areas. They serve food to the residents (who are 'camping' in destroyed & gutted homes in the sparsely populated area). They have no electric, water or sewer, but they get donated food and are determined to stay.
The college-age, hippy-style volunteers are camping and living in the same manner, becoming "one" with the people. The young volunteers have huge hearts and are doing a great job helping the people, but it apprears that almost none of them have a relationship with the Lord.
That's what is new for today -- I am extremely excited (no surprise, right?).
I feel sure that God has some awesome appointments with us!
Joshua 14:8
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Day 33

<click to enlarge>
Yesterday and today were completely amazing days. I can only tell you the stories that God showed me personally. You will have to ask everyone else for their stories. Without going into the details of God's hand working, let me just say how excited I am that I have the honor and blessing to watch the teams work and grow together. - - amazing...
Today was a day of God-appointments, self-realizations & illuminations, sharing, caring, kindness and compassion.

And a verse from Arnie & Kelli which really fits serving the Lord down here.
"Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help. Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal. Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the LORD will protect you from behind. Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a Rebuilder of Walls and a restorer of homes." (Isa 58:7-8,10-12)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Day 32

Power is restored at our house (good news) --
Today our Wisconsin group split into two teams. Thirteen people are going back into New Orleans to gut another house, and the other half of the group will be working on the roof of a staff member's home in Mandeville (5 miles South of Covington).
It is awesome to watch to power of God begin to transform members of the Wisconsin team. People who were once quiet and shy are reaching out to unsaved people on the streets. Everyone is striving to meet new people and get to know them.
Photo: (Click to enlarge)
Making Lunch for 27 people->

I feel like I am the most blessed person from our entire church body. The work is tiring, and the details are many, but I have had the opportunity to spend time with each team, interact with each team and watch God move in the hearts of all these people. I am blessed.
Last night Pastor Michael spoke after supper, telling stories of what life was like here in the New Orleans area just after Katrina. The stories of God's power are AMAZING. The fact that no one in ministry is ever formally trained to handle a natural disaster of this magnitude is a reality. The fact that GOD has the incredible Power to do all things, and will gladly carry us through all circumstances is the TRUTH.
We daily see the hopeless regain Hope and the lost get found. Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Day 31
We are trying to contact the homeowner to find out what is going on.....
Pray that all is well for this current situation.
In the mean time, it looks like the perfect opportunity to get a long night's sleep for a change!
Psalm 4:8
I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Day 30

Saturday: Before Kathie went to the train station I wanted to take her picture by the sign in front of the church. On the way to the large "Trinity Church" sign, Kathie decided to pose by this sign instead ...
Life was fun with Kathie running through the church last week. Be sure to stop at the Faith church office and ask what God has shown her.

Later that same day.......

Saturday, March 18, 2006
Day 28

After that, it was already late morning, so I spent about an hour driving quite leisurely back into the city, hanging out with God, telling Him how Awesome I believe He is.. It was quality time.

Getting back into Covington, I went to the home I am staying at- with another Commasion staff family, Shawn & Danielle Kelley. They are a young mission couple, expecting their first baby in August. God has blessed me abundantly with the opportunity to live with them during the second part of my stay in Louisiana.
At noon, Shawn and I went across town to a huge 'tool sale'. We saw everything from $1.00 items to $1000. items. We looked for a long time, and ended up buying nothing - but we had a lot of fun.
For lunch we went a little local place called "Rags" for 'Po-Boy' sandwiches. (large sub sandwiches with copius amounts of meat or crab or fish or shrimp and tons of salad on top of them) If you get down to Louisiana, you must have a Po-Boy at least once (I prefer Cajun Catfish).
Next, our travels took us to Home Depot for construction supplies for Shawn & Danielle's house. A short trip to the lumber store has turned into a several hour adventure since Hurricane Katrina. Staff is short and the check out lines are long. Thankfully prices are low, or at least the same as in Wisconsin.
Many late evenings end with either a time for blogging, or a fast game of Monopoly with the Compassion staff. These are special times of reflection and/ or story telling of the day's events, basically a daily debrief for each of the staff who are involved. Should we go to sleep earlier? Yes, perhaps... but is the un-wind time together worth the time spent? Certainly!!!! (x10)!
Today I am refreshed mentally, physically and spiritually.
Kathie E goes to the train station today at 11:00 am. She will return into Wisconsin Sunday afternoon. She spoke to me this morning and told me some wonderful stories of what God has shown her. Please ask her many questions and encourage her (and all the returning team members) to share at least ONE special moment when God spoke in their ear.
Today the 28 member of the Wisconsin team begin to arrive. Tomorrow (Sunday) we will tour some of the storm damaged areas to get a big picture perspective on the scale of work which needs to be done here. Monday we will be hard at work. Gutting homes and also doing construction work.
Pray for the team members, pray for the people who God will have them speak to.
Thank you to all of you who sent these people, and continue to encourage us all.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Day 27
Kathie Endler has been energized by the Holy Spirit and is cooking up a storm in the Kitchen all week. The head chef, Vixie from Arkansas, told me that Kathie has assumed the lead cook position in the little kitchen. Kathie says cooking for 100 people is pretty far out of her envelope, but if that is what God wants - then it is what God will get. When ever I look into the kitchen, I see Kathie smiling and dashing about, letting the Spirit guide her.

Photo to right: The Fortin Family. ->
Also this week- -I have been given a team from Lima, Ohio to work with. We were blessed to help the Fortin family who lives ('did' live) in East New Orleans. They fled the area during the hurricane, but their home remained under 5 feet of water for nearly 3 weeks. They worked alongside us each day helping remove item after item from the home to the curb for the trash man. They are a wonderful deeply Christian family, and their cheerful attitudes -in spite of their circumstances- encouraged each of us. We worked with them several days, and they will remain in our hearts for a very long time.

Repeat Business: For the men's team who came down last week, they will remember Steve & Millie. Or perhaps you may remember me writing about them. We were at their home, fixing their roof which leaked (like a strainer) after being completely replaced by a non-reputable company. After the first long day, we had to return a second day to complete our job. Unfortunately, there was an area of leakiness (sp) which avoided our detection until late the 2nd day, so two men returned a third day to finalize the repairs... a long story right? No, it's only getting started. The roof began to leak again >Two more times we had to return to fix Stephen's roof. Last night I believed it was finished... until it rained again early this morning.
As my phone rang, and the called ID said 'Stephen', I prayed hard that God had something special in mind, and he did... Another leak! BUT - God is soooo good! After all our visits with Steve & Millie, we have built a very deep relationship. And the relationship has led to trust, and that trust has led to Steve confessing many things & asking God for forgiveness from his past sins.
Today was a turning point for this family. We drove to his home thinking we would be greeted by a sad man with lots of water on his floor, but instead we were met by a man eager to talk and serve us a homemade breakfast before getting to work on the new leak. God has already performed a miracle on Steve's heart, it is growing softer and more gentle each day. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to lead Steve to know Jesus very soon! We will return to fix their chiminey flashing next Tuesday (also to have more fellowship and sharing!)

Life alone:
Cathy returned home about 2 weeks ago, and I remained in Louisiana to continue the work God placed in our path. The work is gratifying, but even with HUGE victories for the Kingdom, there is still an emptiness that only my wifey can fill.
To Cathy; "I miss you greatly. Build a fire in the woodstove, snug the kitty and pray for me... I'll be home soon."

Today I got news about the Team which returned from Peru. I understand over 500 people were introduced to and ACCEPTED JESUS as their Lord and Savior. I have only one word to say to them.. "AMEN!" I praise God for your dedication and devotion to His word and His call on your lives. My your time at home be as fruitful as your time in Peru! *Amen*
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Day 24
So now that you are updated......... Upon getting Kathie at the train station, we took a brief tour of New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward, (see photo on day 20 archive). And then we drove to Waveland & Bay St. Louis, MS. The destruction is total and complete. Seeing photos on the internet vs. seeing the power of God's wind and waves in person leaves nothing to compare. I was completely speachless (yes, me) as we drove along the beach road looking at foundation after foundation with sweeping steps leading up to an empty place where the home once stood. Some places had random sprays of water making rainbows in the late afternoon sun, where supply pipes were severed, yet the water remains on. Tiny FEMA trailers dot the beach front where multi million dollar homes stood 6 months ago. God has used the water to equalize all people who live here. It is amazing.

This week Kathie is spending the week cooking for 100 people - it is an experience out of her comfort zone, but she says she is enjoying herself -- Tonight when I passed by the office, she ran out to get some encouragement because she was having a 'spaghetti' crisis. I still do not know what that means, but apparently everything worked out, because dinner was great!
Mark 6:39-44
Then Jesus directed them to have all the people sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and fifties. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to his disciples to set before the people. He also divided the two fish among them all. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces of bread and fish. The number of the men who had eaten was five thousand.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Day 23

Late Night Antics: Last night we had a visitor. I guess we left the door open too long while unpacking our stuff from the car.... oops. The little guy got into the house, and then eluded our capture for almost an hour.

It appears he was trying to send an email - unfortunately he was not able to make the Mac computer function. Finally we got him cornered and back out the door by midnight! Now you know the types of things that keep us up late!
Genesis 1:25
God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Please continue to pray for the people of the gulf coast. Also please pray for the recent tornado victims of the midwest. Many have lost everything. -I have seen the tornado photos, and they are eerily similar to what we look at here each day.
-mj :)
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Day 22
"Let everything that has breath, praise the LORD!" Psalm 150:6
Today many people from the church are going down to see Billy & Franklin Graham speak in downtown New Orleans. It is suppose to be a fantastic turnout. The normal amount of handout literature was depleted several weeks ago, and record crowds are expected. Many people want to go to see Billy as this may be his last public speaking engagement. Just to say they saw him, and for the incredible encouragement it will obviously bring. I want to see him as well, but I was prompted that perhaps the seat I was to sit in was meant for a non-believer who really NEEDED to hear God's message tonight. Praise the Lord for the God given talent of Billy & Franklin Graham.
As for me - where do I get encouragement? From the teams, watching God's hand at work, and from the "comments" section of this blog page. If you wish to encourage not only me, but the other volunteers and the rest of the teams, please type a few words of encouragement at the bottom of this post. I love passing along and sharing each encouraging word, as it is received. Thank you.
Today I plan to go down to Waveland, MS to look at another area of hurricane damage. If you want to see it too, go to Prepare to be awed by the power of wind and waves, and then remember that our LORD has command over all these things.
Matthew 7:27
The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash."

Here is a before & after photo of what is over there. This home was 4 blocks from the beach, they never found the contents of their home, the rubble you see here belongs to one of their neighbors. -- Remeber, these are people's homes, just like yours and mine. Here one Sunday, gone on Monday. Please go to this website, and read the account of this family. Thiers is only one story, there are thousands just like it.
Mark 4:38-41
Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Day 21
Today I said goodbye to another Wisconsin team. Yet there is good news on the horizon... Today I receive a team from Lima, Ohio, tomorrow Kathie Endler arrives by train, and Chuck McDonald from Conover arrives for his 2nd week-long visit since February 16th. It is so exciting to watch the hand of God move so visibly in people's lives. (including my own).
I have been here for 3 weeks and the challenges have been many. Fatigue is my greatest physical enemy. Getting 8 hours of sleep for the teams is fairly easy because the lights go out at exactly 10:00 pm, but very often the work continues in the Compassion office until midnight. It was easy for me to get burned out. I try to keep spiritual weakness away with regular devotions

Today (saturday) is a slower day, but still full of paperwork and preparations for the arriving teams.
I anticipate the arrive of the new teams like a little child anticipates Christmas morning. Each person is like a seperate gift, but when they are all placed together the 'team' is also such a great thing as well.
Speaking of special gifts, not too long ago, one very greatful homeowner brought many many lbs of freshly boiled crawfish. Tender and spicey! I am seen in the above photo playing with my food, before gulping down the little red guy!! Just behind me is John, another Compassion staff member confirming the righteousness of the meal.
We live by faith, not by sight. 2Corintians 5:7
Friday, March 10, 2006
Day 20

Okay - so it has been a few days -- no reason to fear or panic,, please do not have apprehension.... God has everything under control. HE has shown me that very thing many times this week!
This has been an awesome week of hard work, spiritual battles, spiritual victories and illuminations of scripture and God's word. (for me at least..)
Sunday: We travelled to the Lower 9th Ward. This is an area where the levee break was R-E-A-L bad. Nothing is where it is suppose to be... houses, cars, trees,- -nothing. Three of us were walking through the rubble, and a large man drove up to a crooked, battered house and began to spray paint numbers on the side. We watched, wanting to talk with the man, but not wanting to take this moment away from him. When he was finished spray painting the street address on the house for insurance reference, we spoke to him. His name was Charles. He was just back in New Orleans for a little while to take care of some personal business. We told him we were here to help, but he said it was too late. He said there was nothing we could fix doen here, it was already 'done'. The homes are too damaged, and all the people are gone... Jane

Monday-Tuesday: We worked on the roof! The home is owned by Stephen & Millie. They have a large home way back in the woods.. except the woods are gone -- thay all anded on top of the house and all around the 10 acres surrounding it. Over 120 trees gone, - over 300 chickens gone. Nearly $28,000 gone to "fly-by-night" operators who cut his trees and put a new roof on his home. Why were we there??, because his 'brand new' roof leaks like a strainer!! We had great conversations with the family. He is 73 yrs old, and she is 71. He has a bad back from years of hard work, and she has M.S. and can only get arounf in her Power-Chair. He has to lift her up into bed or bath or car... Now that he is retired, his only job in life is to care for his wife. Since they were 'taken' by their previous workers, they are literally pennyless. Last week Mr. Stephen came to church for the first time in 33 years. This past wednesday he came again for our evening dinner and service --- because there was no food to eat at home. Please join us in prayers from Stephen & Millie. We pray for the comfort that comes with the knowledge of Jesus Christ to come into their lives.

If you were to ask what this family needs the 'most'? Food?, Shelter?, Finances?: I would answer that they need someone to come to their home at least once per week to love them and share with them. These are the most wonderful people!! Most time is spent listening..., because they have a LOT of fantastic stories to tell. Listening to stories has become a new ministry of mine! Next, this family needs food, soap, cleaning supplies, and regular household items. I believe this is the family which many people back home (Faith/ Woodruff) have been looking for to adopt. They could be helped tremendously with the simple offer of Walmart Gift cards. Then they could purchase all their household items and also food. Talk to any of the people returning home this week for more information on this family.
WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY: Dan and 'the men' went to work on a home which was water damamged, replacing paneling and drywall, Mark and Dave went to a home owned by the niece of Stephen & Millie. -Another awesome survival story; this single mom and three kids lost a portion of their home completely (cannot be rebuilt) due to Hurricane Katrina. She works two jobs, yet they have only soup most week days and have a regular supply of military M.R.E.'s (meals ready to eat) that they eat for supper. Survival? Yes... A Real Life? nope... Yet they continue on, day after day, with the joy of knowing there is a church out there who cares for them.
Humor: PLEASE GIVE: We are asking for donations for the Brett Walker Trouser Foundation. It appears that Brett has gone through 2 pairs of pants in 4 days, and he is running low in the trouser supplies.... If you only KNEW what happened to his pants - you would fall off your chair laughing - so I must let him (or Dan Scholten who was a witness) tell the stories. Ask them what happened?!!?
God Sightings; This week God was sighted all over the place. Jesus appeared to me in a dream (and said nothing - very interesting -->But I will never forget His eyes!!!) I saw the hand of God working in the lives of all the Minocqua/Woodruff volunteers (as well as Illinois and Canada) I saw God work in the lives of homeowners and homeless people alike. This week I was personally surprised by a waitress named Janell from the Outback Steakhouse. One week ago we visited the Outback for a farewell meal, (Smokey, Kathy, Liz, Nancy, Shawn & Daniell
This experience is becoming the most inspiring of my life. Knowing that God is in complete control, and that HIS plan will succeed is comforting and humbling.
I pray for each of you reading this; that God may impress His will into your lives so that every move you make is a step in the direction that GOD would take you in.
May God bless you all.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2Corinthians 5:17
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Day 15

This afternoon Ray, Brent, David (from Believers Church), Dan, Dick, and Don arrived. About two hours later, Chris & Jane got here after their 20+ hour drive. It is so nice to be visited by good friends while being away from home! I pray that by the end of this week, Trinity church feels like 'home' to these 8 new arrivals. When Dave, Brent & Ray arrived, they were the ONLY team on the church grounds: but by Sunday night there will be over 110 new mission volunteers from 7 different states and Canada. Wow! Also serving this week are churches from Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Maryland, California and Texas.
The daily schedule for the new teams will look something like this: 6:00 am wake up, 6:30 breakfast, 7:00 group devotion, 7:15 team leader meeting, 7:30 gather tools and head out to the work site. Noon lunch & lunchtime devotional, 5:00 pm end work - get back to church, unload tools, debrief work that was completed & shower, 6:30 supper; The 7:00-8:00pm schedule changes daily: Monday, Free time & testimonies/ Tuesday, Q & A with Pastor Michael/ Wednesday, Evening church service/ Thursday, Inner city cross cultural training/Friday, Free time.
You can see it is a full week. Yet there is always time to make sure we all stay in God's word, and share stories with each other of what God did in our lives today. The job we are doing down here is more than simply good works, it is an overflow of our love for Christ. To over flow, we must stay abundantly full of His love, right? How can we overflow if we are drained, spent or tapped out? Please pray with us that we all stay abundantly filled with the love of Christ!
Have a great Sunday! Please click "comment" if you have encouragement or questions for us, and PLEASE click if you have a bid for the Panama hat & bandana auction! The auction proceeds will go 100% directly to one family who we have personally worked with over our 5 weeks of service.
To see more photos of the mission, and other mission information click here:
New Orleans mission photo pages
1Timothy 1:14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
Day 14

This week Liz & Nancy came up with something new: they were able to go on a prayer walk, without having to take a walk! (huh?) The girls were raking a yard, having fun and laughing, and it was apparently such a long time since laughter was heard on the street that people came over to see what was up - The conversations always led straight to the truth of our service for the Lord, and an invitation to come visit our church for more fellowship!
Friday afternoon I had to let Smokey and Kathy go home: I didn't want to let them go, and I truly believe they didn't want to leave. Yesterday day later I had to allow Thelma & Louise to finally go home after 2 weeks of blessed service. They will be missed by me, the

Please continue to pray for the people of southern Louisiana, the victims of Hurricane Katrina, the volunteer workers and the EFCA Compassion staff.
As we continue the rebuilding phase of work here, I am reminded of this scripture passage:
1Peter 2:4-9 As you come to him, the living Stone-- rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him-- you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For in Scripture it says: "See, I lay a stone in
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. -Amen!